So much more than unpacking …

We put your home back together
hanging collectibles
hanging artwork

What We Do

The Silver Linings Team will unpack and organize your belongings in each and every room. They will help you arrange your furniture and hang your artwork.

They will assemble basic electronic equipment, make beds, set the clocks and do a final touch-up cleaning.

  • Unpack
  • Organize
  • Accessorize
  • Hang Artwork
  • We even program your coffee maker!



How does Silver Linings unpack and organize my new home?

The Silver Linings Team will meet the moving company at your new home on the morning of delivery. While the moving van is being unloaded, the Silver Linings Team will begin putting your home back together.

The Team will unpack and organize your belongings in each and every room. They will assist in arranging your furniture and hang your artwork.

They will assemble basic electronic equipment, make beds, set the clocks and do a final touch-up cleaning. Would you like your refrigerator re-stocked or have other special requests? Just ask the Team Supervisor. Silver Linings is there to personally serve you and your family.


How does your Team know how to organize and accessorize my home?

We are often asked how our Team Members will know where to put your belongings. The Silver Linings Team Members are trained to organize your belongings in a logical manner. Kitchenware is organized for function. Clothing closets are organized for season, style, sleeve length and color. Bathroom accessories are organized for use. If you prefer that certain belongings or accessories be arranged in a specific way, our Team can work from your instruction or from photographs taken prior to your move.


Do I need to be there?

The Silver Linings Team will work with as much or as little guidance as you wish to provide. Often the Team works closely with an Interior Designer. Most Silver Linings Clients give the Team general guidance in the morning and then go off to shop or to get acquainted with their new neighbors. Many of our Clients have used this time as an opportunity to take a mini-vacation. When they return, they are “Home.”

complete service

Complete Service Versus Day Service

For our “Complete Service” the Silver Linings Team works until you are personally satisfied that your home is 100% functional and perfectly accessorized. This usually takes from one to four days.

“Day Service” requires that the Team be given specific instructions and a list of prioritized tasks. The Silver Linings Team then works down the list attempting to complete as much as possible in the allotted time.


What Our Customers Are Saying

Get in Touch with us

Ready to move? Contact us using the form below

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Mailing Address:
Silver Linings, Inc.
1551 Oak Lawn, #303
Dallas, TX 75207

Direct: 214.752.7044